Welcome to Flask-Kaccel's documentation! ======================================== A Quick Flask-Kaccel Introduction ---------------------------------- Flask-Kaccel allow you to use Nginx X-Accel features on Flask application. How To -------- Install Flask-Kaccel using PIP:: pip install flask-kaccel or:: python setup.py install Nginx ---------- If you serve Flask behind Nginx, then you can delegate the file streaming to Nginx and get increased performance: * lower resources used by Python/Flask workers ; * faster download. See `Nginx X-accel documentation`_ for details. API ---------- .. autoclass:: flask_kaccel.Kaccel :members: Indices and tables ------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _`Nginx X-accel documentation`: http://wiki.nginx.org/X-accel