Source code for flask_kaccel

from flask import Response, request
from .mime import MIME
from .version import version
from os import path

[docs]class Kaccel(object): '''Class used to control the Kaccel integration to a Flask application. You can use this by providing the Flask app on instantiation or by calling an :meth:`init_app` method an instance object of `Kaccel`. Here an example of providing the application on instantiation: :: app = Flask(__name__) kaccel = Kaccel(app) And here calling the :meth:`init_app` method: :: kaccel = Kaccel() def init_app(): app = Flask(__name__) kaccel.init_app(app) return app :Config: - KACCEL_HOST - KACCEL_REDIRECT_PATH - KACCEL_FILES_PATH - KACCEL_BUFFER - KACCEL_CHARSET - KACCEL_CACHE_EXPIRES - KACCEL_LIMIT_RATE ''' def __init__(self, app=None): # Set = app self.version = version # Init app if app: self.init_app(app) def init_app(self, app): # Get config config_host = app.config.get('KACCEL_HOST') config_redirect_path = app.config.get('KACCEL_REDIRECT_PATH') config_files_path = app.config.get('KACCEL_FILES_PATH') config_buffer = app.config.get('KACCEL_BUFFER') config_charset = app.config.get('KACCEL_CHARSET') config_expires = app.config.get('KACCEL_CACHE_EXPIRES') config_limit = app.config.get('KACCEL_LIMIT_RATE') # Set config = config_host or self.files_path = config_files_path or None self.redirect_path = config_redirect_path or None self.buffering = config_buffer or True self.charset = config_charset or "utf-8" self.cache_expires = config_expires or False self.limit_rate = config_limit or False def _bool(self, value): if value: return "yes" else: return "no" def _off(self, value): if not value: return "off" return value
[docs] def filesize(self, file_path): ''' get file size in byte :param file_path: fullpath :return: return <integer> if success and None if fail. ''' try: return path.getsize(file_path) except: return None
[docs] def filename(self, file_path): ''' get file name from full path. :param file_path: fullpath :return: return <string> if success and None if fail. ''' try: return path.basename(file_path) except: return None
[docs] def extension(self, file_path): ''' get extension from full path. :param file_path: fullpath :return: return <string> if success and None if fail. ''' try: name, ext = path.splitext(self.filename(file_path)) return ext except: return None
[docs] def mimetype(self, file_path): ''' get mime type from file :param file_path: fullpath :return: return <string> if success and return "application/octet-stream" if mime type not found. ''' try: ext = self.extension(file_path) mime = MIME.get(ext) if not mime: mime = "application/octet-stream" return mime except: return "application/octet-stream"
[docs] def send_from_directory(self, filename): ''' send file from directory using global configuration. :param filename: file name :return: return Request() object if success and None if fail. ''' return self.send_file( file_path = path.join(self.files_path, filename), redirect = self.redirect_path, buffering = self.buffering, charset = self.charset, expires = self.cache_expires, limit = self.limit_rate )
[docs] def send_file( self, file_path, redirect = None, buffering = True, charset = 'utf-8', expires = None, limit = None ): ''' send file from directory using custom configuration. :param file_path: fullpath. :param redirect: redirect path, default=None :param buffering: sets the proxy buffering for this connection, value=(True|False), default=True :param charset: sets the charset of the file, default="utf-8" :param expires: sets when to expire the file in the internal NGINX cache, value=(None|int), default=None :param limit: sets the rate limit for this single request. off means unlimited, value=(None|int), default=None :return: return Request() object if success and None if fail. ''' try: if == return None content_length = self.filesize(file_path) content_type = self.mimetype(file_path) filename = self.filename(file_path) if not content_length or not content_type or not filename: return None response = Response() response.headers['Content-Length'] = content_length response.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=%s" % (str(filename)) response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = path.join(redirect, filename) response.headers['X-Accel-Buffering'] = self._bool(buffering) response.headers['X-Accel-Charset'] = charset response.headers['X-Accel-Expires'] = self._off(expires) response.headers['X-Accel-Limit-Rate'] = self._off(limit) return response except: return None